What you need to run AI projects without your own infrastructure

Whitepaper: Artificial Intelligence as a Service (AIaaS)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) isn’t just a pipe dream any more. The technology is here. It’s well-developed, accessible, affordable… and already being used to automate tasks and optimize processes. Companies are also aware of this and are increasingly focusing on the use of AI tools. Implementing such complex technologies is fraught with challenges, however, and this is especially true for medium-sized companies. 

AI tools as the key to success

Whether it’s for processing customer feedback immediately, verifying and correctly issuing invoices and other documents, extracting information that is technically relevant or for automated video stream analysis, AI tools allow for a wide variety of tasks to be performed significantly more accurately and efficiently.

AI systems offer people support in daily tasks, which means that time and resources can be utilized more sensibly. However, several companies have been unsuccessful in their attempt to implement such systems. The “Artificial Intelligence as a Service” whitepaper demonstrates how their flexibility and transparency across all industries can ensure the successful and cost-effective deployment of AI projects and help them to unfold their full potential in doing so.

Free download: “Artificial Intelligence as a Service” whitepaper

Read all about the benefits of AIaaS here and learn how AI projects can be implemented quickly and easily, even if you have no infrastructure of your own.

The “Artificial Intelligence as a Service” whitepaper contains:

  • Explanations of possible AI applications
  • Case studies showing the use of AI tools in a wide variety of industries
  • Explanations of the overall concept
  • Interviews with experts
Brief insight into our white paper on the study "Artificial Intelligence as a Service"

In this whitepaper, experts from Google Cloud and Lufthansa Industry Solutions, among others, give their insights on the possibilities and potentials of the new technology.

In this whitepaper, available to you free of charge, you can read all the insights and explanations of the challenges and opportunities offered by AI in their entirety. Some particularly relevant insights have already been summarized for you below.

  • The use of AI is on the rise in all industries

Even though only 8 percent of companies use AI tools, two-thirds consider artificial intelligence to be ground breaking technology. This trend is unstoppable. The automotive industry, for example, not only uses AI for the voice activation and control of on-board software, it has also long since recognized its importance in the context of autonomous driving.

  • High relevance to supply chain optimization

Demand forecasts are used in the supply chain and, in industry, AI tools optimize machine maintenance and repair. In the future, virtually no company will be able to operate without artificial intelligence.

  • AI projects usually face a number of challenges

Despite the opportunities that AI projects can offer, many companies – especially medium-sized ones – still expect there to be challenges and, therefore, shy away from them. Insufficient expertise, unsuitable data sets or the fundamental complexity of such projects cause many AI initiatives to fail at an early stage.

  • Expert consulting remains relevant

Comprehensive consulting is essential if the competencies and resources available within a company are not enough to guarantee success. AIaaS can provide the jump-start necessary to overcome several of the usual hurdles. However, a basic understanding of AI, which is established gradually within a company, remains essential.

  • The advantages of AI systems for companies

Good AI systems provide companies with easily implemented AI tools and pre-trained models that can be adapted and scaled flexibly. In addition, no internal infrastructure is needed and the costs are oriented exclusively to actual use.

AI Services at LHIND at a Glance
Lufthansa Industry Solutions’ AI services span a wide range of application areas.

The possible uses are manifold

CustomerFeedback AI allows feedback from customers to be evaluated and processed fully automatically, which benefits both customers and companies alike.

The EmailReply AI can even answer simple and recurring customer inquiries all by itself.

With the VisitorPrediction AI, for example, people or other content on video streams can be counted. This allows important predictions to be made, such as the number of visitors at high-traffic sites.