Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility is a fundamental component of the Lufthansa Group's corporate strategy. As a wholly owned Lufthansa subsidiary, we take our responsibility for a future worth living seriously. We want to contribute to ensuring that our world remains habitable for future generations.

That is why we continuously work to improve climate and environmental performance, ensure that our employees are treated responsibly and fairly, are committed to social issues, and always base our activities on legal compliance.

Responsibility for Employees

“We are committed to a corporate culture in which we treat each other openly and with appreciation and respect, and in which everyone feels welcome, supported, and like they belong there, regardless of gender, background, age, lifestyle, physical ability or beliefs. We want the diversity and difference of our employees: Their experience, knowledge and creativity are the foundation of our success.”

Jörn Messner - Managing Director bei LHIND
Jörn Messner

Our employees are our most valuable asset. They come from different age groups, countries, cultures and family structures, and thus bring different and valuable perspectives and abilities with them. This diversity makes us strong, innovative, creative and capable.

We pursue a holistic understanding of diversity and work together every day to create a place where all employees can realize and develop their potential in their diversity. The basis for this is an open, respectful and appreciative corporate culture that meets different needs and ways of working.

With a wide range of training and development options as well as flexible working hours, our team is enabled to further develop and maintain expertise. At the same time, we promote healthy work-life integration. Family and employment models are changing and the focus is shifting to working time models that take into account the different needs in different phases of life. We support our employees and managers through the use of flexible working hours or the opportunity to take temporary, personal time off from work. In addition, we provide offers for workplace health promotion, company sports and support with childcare.

For those starting out in their careers with an apprenticeship with an IT focus, a dual study program or in the course of an internship, we offer the opportunity to join the LHIND team professionally and in the long term.

For this reason, it was also natural for us as LHIND to sign the Diversity Charter and send a strong, public signal.

Responsibility for the Climate and the Environment

As an IT service provider, we bear a special responsibility for climate and environmental protection, because the information and communications sector today already contributes up to 4% of global CO² emissions, according to expert estimates, and this figure is expected to rise further. Through our actions, we want to contribute to achieving the 1.5 degree target as a society and support our customers with products and services to achieve their own sustainability goals.
We focus on three building blocks: Collecting data, creating awareness and taking action.

Collecting data and creating transparency

We calculate our corporate carbon footprint annually according to GHG in order to identify the biggest influencing factors and derive measures to reduce our carbon footprint continuously. The goal must always be to avoid or reduce emissions wherever possible and to write our software the most energy efficient. At the same time, our solutions are an important enabler for our customers to improve their own environmental performance.
A large part of our Scope 3 CO² emissions result from our business travel. Therefore, we have revised our travel policy and support sustainable travel options. Our employees have e.g. the option to use the BahnCard and job tickets. Since 2022, we have offered the option of visiting centrally located coworking spaces across Germany to shorten commuting distances and to support travelling with public transport. At our own locations, we place emphasis on sourcing renewable energy, energy- and water-saving sensor technology for lighting and our taps and have a special focus on sustainable resource use and consistent separation of our waste.
In addition, since 2019 all business flights of the Lufthansa Group have been 100% offset in Gold Standard projects via myclimate.

Creating awareness

We have created various formats to communicate and bring our employees closer to the topic of sustainability. These include monthly open exchange formats, content published on our sustainability communication platform and learning nuggets / short interviews explaining sustainability-related topics. Once or twice a month, we invite external speakers such as DPDHL, Mastercard, Alnatura or Ikea within the framework of the Lufthansa Group SustainABILITY Community to gain insights into the sustainability strategies of other companies beyond Lufthansa's borders and to gather mutual inspiration and ideas in order to achieve the 1.5° goal together.

Become active

We don't just want to talk about sustainability and collect data, we also want to get active. As an IT service provider, we are particularly committed to the responsible and long-term use of our hardware and offer our employees the opportunity to purchase old equipment at a favourable price or donate it to charitable organisations and associations. Since mid-2022, we have prepared and donated over 120 laptops to 4 different charities.
In order to integrate the topic of environmental protection into our business processes, we implemented an environmental management system in 2022 and had our headquarters in Norderstedt certified according to ISO 14001. In doing so, we pursue the goal of fully measuring our impact on the environment and continuously improving our environmental performance.
To protect our environment, colleagues from different sites join forces on a yearly CleanUp Day to collect waste from the surrounding area.
We promote a culture of environmental protection and sustainability in our company by encouraging our employees to contribute their ideas and suggestions and to find solutions together. We believe that if each one of us does his and her contribution, together we can make a big impact. Through constant dialogue and exchange within our team, we want to ensure that we keep improving with each other and continuously expand our contribution to protecting the climate and the environment.



Responsibility to Society

We take responsibility for social issues out of conviction and support the great commitment of various associations and initiatives. In addition to various fundraising campaigns for the help alliance– the Lufthansa Group’s aid organization – we have been working closely and successfully with the Hacker School for several years. The focus is primarily on giving young people access to education, showing them professional perspectives and enabling them to lead a self-determined life. A similar goal is pursued by Charity4Aid, an association that donates worn-out and depreciated computers to non-profit educational institutions in Germany and around the world.

In addition, we support some socially committed colleagues of Lufthansa Industry Solutions in their activities, including Kaffeebrücke and mapubi e.V. Twice a year, we recently started offering our employees the opportunity to present their project in the context of a challenge. The project most voted for by the employees themselves is then sponsored by LHIND with prize money.

In cooperation with the NORDAKADEMIE and the Leuphana University of Lüneburg, various sustainability-related topics were developed, such as corporate digital responsibility in the sense of responsible and sustainable handling of data, the development of a Net Zero strategy for LHIND or the applicability of EU taxonomy to defined products.

Some of LHIND's colleagues are regularly an active part of Impact Week. Impact Week is a non-profit programme that brings together people from different countries around the world to promote innovation and entrepreneurship in emerging economies, thus creating a basis for sustainable growth. The initiative is supported by various international companies, including the Lufthansa Group.

Corporate Governance and Compliance

Conducting business legally and with integrity is a fundamental principle of all our commercial activities. To this end, we comply strictly with antitrust legislation and corruption prevention regulations in particular.

Combating and - preventing corruption and bribery is essential to our company’s business activities and constitutes an integral part of our value system. The Lufthansa Group has introduced a centralized compliance management system so that we can protect our employees and companies from breaking the law, or the consequences of doing so, and support them in working within legal boundaries at all times.

Essentially, this is based on the following principles – compliance culture, compliance objectives, identification of compliance risks, compliance program, compliance organization, compliance communication and compliance monitoring. The compliance management system has also been implemented within our company and is being developed continuously in accordance with the risks that are specific to our business activities.

The Lufthansa Group Code of Conduct is a central component of the system. It defines a binding framework of conduct for all managers and employees. For more information on the Lufthansa Group Code of Conduct, please click here.

Reporting and ombudsman system:
LHIND uses the Lufthansa Group's whistleblowing system, which is designed for reporting potential violations of laws or regulations that apply to our business (corruption, fraud, competition and antitrust law). If you wish to report a violation, you can make a report via the electronic whistleblower system or the external ombudsperson Dr. Rainer Buchert.
Information on the Lufthansa Group's electronic whistleblower system can be found at the following link.

Contact information for the ombudsperson Dr. Rainer Buchert can be found under this link.