Integration strategies for intelligent process automation

IDG study identifies German companies’ high IPA readiness and highlights benefits of AI process optimization

Almost three quarters of companies in Germany have already deployed artificial intelligence to automate their processes, thereby charting a course for intelligent process automation (IPA). These are the findings of the latest IDG study – Intelligent Process Automation & Process Orchestration 2024 – conducted by CIO, CSO and COMPUTERWOCHE magazine in collaboration with Lufthansa Industry Solutions.

The study provides a snapshot of the sentiment surrounding IPA, offers comprehensive insights into the use of intelligent automation and indicates the objectives that companies can pursue and achieve with IPA.


Free download: Intelligent Process Automation & Process Orchestration 2024 study

Download this study to discover the progress that German companies have made in relation to IPA, the uncertainties that remain, the areas where specialist input is required and the strategies recommended by experts for long-term IPA implementation.

Companies face different challenges when implementing IPA

More than half of small and medium-sized companies regard a lack of specialist knowledge as the largest hurdle they face in relation to IPA implementation. By contrast, large companies primarily come up against technical barriers. The study found that, for two-thirds of companies, internal resources alone are not sufficient to implement intelligent process automation. Another notable insight is the difference in perceptions within companies: while a majority of respondents in specialist departments are in favor of the use of AI in the context of process automation, they still have considerable reservations. By contrast, business owners and IT managers express far higher support.


Insights featured in the study
  • Current level of IPA implementation in German companies
  • Challenges facing medium-sized companies – and how they differ from those facing large companies
  • AI methods most frequently used for IPA
  • Differences in how managers and IT specialists assess the need for IPA and the feasibility of its implementation
  • Impacts achieved by IPA to date in relation to efficiency increases and cost reductions
Over half of companies have implemented end-to-end process automation – in pursuit of different objectives.

You can find long-term prospects, strategic recommendations from experts and detailed findings in the full study: Intelligent Process Automation & Process Orchestration 2024.

Free download: Intelligent Process Automation & Process Orchestration 2024 study

Download this study to discover the progress that German companies have made in relation to IPA, the uncertainties that remain, the areas where specialist input is required and the strategies recommended by experts for long-term IPA implementation.